An old man in car was stopped by a traffic policeman for speeding. He became very agitated and called the traffic cop an ass. The policeman hauled him up to court.
After he had paid his fine, the judge scolded the old man for what he had said to the officer.
"Then I shouldn't call a policeman an ass?" the old man asked.
"Certainly not," said the judge. "You must not insult the Police."
"But you wouldn't mind if I called an ass a policeman, would you?"
"Why, of course not, if it gives you satisfaction," answered his Honour with a
slight smile.
The motorist turned to the cop who had arrested him, and said: "Good-day, policeman."
Not that funny.
lol took me 3seconds to figure
nice one
Hahas ???? :D dun understand
I also dun understand LOL
hey yo i'm an ass man
Bad Ass Billy Gunn
To those who dun understand
The judge didn't mind the motorist calling an ass a policeman
Note: "Calling an ass a policeman"
So, what do you think of
The motorist turned to the cop who had arrested him, and said: "Good-day, policeman."
orh i see hahas :D i think i understand hahas