Dr M was disappointed with his cabinet for being inefficient and corrupt that he decided to call on Goh CT and asked him how he managed to have such an efficient and incorruptible cabinet.
On hearing Dr M woes, PM Goh said, "Simple, I choose able men for my cabinet." Dr M asked, "But how do you know that they are able?" PM Goh replied, "Just ask them simple questions to test their intelligence, don't need to be difficult. Let me illustrate to you." Just then, Tony Tan was walking by.
PM Goh called out to him, "Hey Tony, come over here." Tony obediently walked over. PM Goh asked, "Tell me, Tony, who is your fathers son?" Tony Tan immediately replied, "Me! Of course."
PM Goh turned to Dr M and said, "See, all my ministers can answer this question. Why don't you go back and try." Dr M thanked PM Goh and left.
Once back, he immediately summoned Anwar, his deputy, and shot the question at him, "Tell me, Anwar, who is your father's son?" Anwar was shocked beyond words and did not know the answer.
After a while, he recovered and said, "Boss, let me find out and I'll tell you tomorrow." Dr M a bit disappointed, agreed, hoping that Anwar would give a good answer the next day.
Meanwhile, Anwar panicking of his boss was testing him, tried desperately to find the answer from his staff. But none knew the answer. The next morning, he decided to call Bill Clinton for help. Surely the most powerful person in the world must know the answer.
When Bill picked up the phone, Anwar asked, "Hello Bill, can I ask you a question?". Busy Clinton replied, "Alright, but it better be good!"
Anwar asked, "Tell me, Bill, who is your father's son?" Clinton was fuming, "Of course it's me, you stupid!" and he slammed the phone down.
Satisfied that he's got the answer, he confidently walked into Dr M's office and said, "Boss, I've got the answer to your question." Dr M happy that his deputy wasn't that dumb, said, "So tell me quick, who is your fathers son, Anwar?"
Anwar confidently replied, "It's BILL CLINTON!"
Dr M slapped his own forehead in disgust and cried, "No you stupid, it's TONY TAN!"
LOL, Malaysia boleh?
2 words.
Originally posted by pewpew:2 words.
pewpew, appreciate humour.
this is a recycled joke but....
how many fresh, new jokes that are good out there?.....
how many here bother to post joke for the rest who only knows how to demand?.....
i can just collect all the jokes and repost it. still not funny.
dont like that lah pewpew i find it funny lehs and i dont think i read before lawls.. funny good one ts =D