2 Italian men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The two fought and one KILLED the other to have the lady.
2 American men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- They both had the lady TOGETHER.
2 French men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- They killed the lady to have EACH OTHER.
2 Indonesian men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The first man claimed that island is independent and took the lady as his advisor.
- The second man swam to another island to search for jobs.
2 Thai men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The first man rented the lady to the second man for 2 baht a night.
2 Filipino men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The first man kidnapped the lady and asked for ransom from the other man.
2 Malaysian men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The lady ACCUSED the first man of sodomizing the other because she was rejected by both.
2 Singaporean men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The two men are still waiting for instructions from the GOVERNMENT on how to proceed.
N1... ...
Useless Sg'reans! (me inclusive)
Tee hee!
i got everything except for the indonesian part.. what does it say about indonesian then? HAHA sorry abit slow here
good one.
Originally posted by jesslyn1992:i got everything except for the indonesian part.. what does it say about indonesian then? HAHA sorry abit slow here
I think it got something to do with East Timor...
Well said for SG...