this is a true story.
it is more humor, not a joke.
i was in korea not so long ago for work. one evening after work, i was just hanging out walking around myeung-dong, a pretty hip place in seoul.
there i saw a young korean man ahead walking past me. he is all dressed up in cool ghetto style, bling bling all over, baggy pants and nike sneakers and all. he looks the part except for his (baggy) t-shirt, which he is unaware that has got it all wrong.
on the t-shirt front splashes two large words. it was meant to read "MASTER BLASTER"; but for some reason, the `A's were replaced by the `I's. So, the shirt reads "MISTER BLISTER" instead. he is completely oblivious to the error.
as he swaggered past me, i had to try very hard to contain my laughter because it was hilarious seeing him wearing the t-shirt that reads `mister blister' and yet he felt like he's 110% hip.
he trained so hard, that he got lots of blister. and being mister blister is the hip thing to do.
Im sorry, but i dont see the humour in making fun of other peoples' english.
i don get it either, mister bilster, funny meh?
i get ts' point. . .
mister blister mite jus b a name of a korean rock band.
why so bo liao laugh at people?
mite as well go and laugh at people who wear those thailand shirts that say ipood or starfucks and say they got the spelling wrong....
its jsut like those people wearing skinny jeans and they think they look good
Mr Blister happens to be a Japanese Hip Hop crew...mostly making instrumentals and hip hop beats..
Originally posted by Master -_-:
Mr Blister happens to be a Japanese Hip Hop crew...mostly making instrumentals and hip hop beats..
ts kena owned...
Originally posted by Daisuke-kun:ts kena owned...
bro, i think all of you just need to see the lighter side of thing here. i am not belittling the guy. it is just a funny sight to me at that moment.
for those who see the humor of it, cool. for the rest, harm done.
dk, the t-shirt definitely did not in reference to the band mentioned above. it is not a band tee to start with. trust me, i know. it si just a mispelled tee. btw, mr. blister is also a garage band in my adopted state. they sound horrendous btw.
its not really funny
I cant see where is your joke or humour.
But what i can see is that the commment given is funny that whatever you post^^
maybe it's meant to be mister blister, not a mistake