I saw this man in office attire sleeping at a priority seat in an MRT train. So cute!
Which part of this is funny?
Learn to respect people, douchebag.
Seems more like a stalker, randomly taking pictures of guys in MRTs.
y u so lame de.
sibei bo liao..
fyi, its not funny but LAME..
lastly, u ought to be banned..
The only cute thing, amos, is that you will soon be banned for plugging your blog and invading someone else's privacy on sgforums.
What goes round comes round. Someday, someone may take a photograph of you in a compromising position, post it online, and invite others to make fun of you.
Damn.... that sure would be cute.
bo liao.
go get a life or buy one if you cant get it for free.
....u si bei bo liao
This post has no meaning.
dear TS,
you are lame n boliao.
I called 999 le.
dear ts. this is an example of a funny pic....
look familiar?
Haa, douche bag.
Originally posted by Flounder:dear ts. this is an example of a funny pic....
look familiar?
What's with that stupid cap?!?! hahaha squinty eyes.
hahaha... tts wat u get for being boliao and letting everyone know your contact details...
nvr trust the web. wakakaka
Yo peeps, since when did I say the picture is funny?
When I say the picture is cute, I really meant that it's cute.
There's nothing wrong with sleeping in an MRT train.
Don't be so negative and get the wrong idea yea?
This is my avatar as well as my latest picture in Shanghai. Hope you'll love it.
wah, so cute leh!
lock this thread la
wasting time
WTH.. Just trying to get some advert for his own blog.. Get a life la!
this asshole is being like viciouscycle with fucking no sense of humour.
i wonder if it's against the law, if u see someone taking your pic, grab that guy's phone and smash it
prussssssssssssssssssssss one
BOO TS!!!!
u look like brock from pokemon