i saw this as told by robin williams, which i thought was hilarious.
a man and woman was making love at night when their young son inadvertantly walked into the room and saw his dad on top on his mother bopping away. when his parents realized it, it was too late. with a horrified look, the boy bolted out of the room.
the father said, "well, honey, i think it is time to tell little johnny what this is all about."
the wife replied, "yup, you go break it to him gently."
dressed up moments later, the father walked out the room towards his son's . when he reached there, little johnny was no where to be found. curious, he looked around the hallway but was attracted by the sound coming out from another room.
he walked there and open the room.
he was shocked and horrified when he saw little johhny on top of his grandmother boning her ragged.
his son then stared at him and said, "now you know how terrible it feels to see your own mother getting screwed, right!"
Ths is funny and sick at the same time
this is sick