<frank> can you help me install GTA3?
<knightmare> first, shut down all programs you aren't using
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<knightmare> ...
<pronstar``afk> my kazaa preformed an illegal opperation
<cCCPehlet`> isn't that what kazaa is designed to do?
<dev-hda0> Damn... while coming home from the store, this drunk came up to me, and was like,
"Hey, you big black nigger! Loose-lips McGee, why don't you go back to
your monkey relatives? Bet you couldn't even add 1 + 1."
<dev-hda0> And I calmly respond, "What's the derivative of cosecant(x)?"
<dev-hda0> he just replied, "**** you" and left...
*** Join: Elexon
<Elexon> shit, I just got owned so badly by a black guy on the street..
I think we need to work on our communication.. one guy is talking crap,
one just goes "lol" and the other one doesn't understand what's going on
<atsleek> lol
<Nefemus> what?
<Arai> I use my right hand for everything except *one* thing.
<Arai> Not wanking.
<Arai> I wipe my ass with my left hand.
<Vhabion> I use toillet paper
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<tatclass> YOU ALL SUCK DICK
<tatclass> er.
<tatclass> hi.
<andy\code> A common typo.
<tatclass> the keys are like right next to each other.