Yo mama so dumb, she got locked in a key factory.
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
and turned out the hill was your mother
yo mama teeth so yellow, when she smiles, people woke up.
yo mama is a noob dumb mothher fucker.
yo mama is so fat that when she steps on the weighting scale, it turn out to be her telephone number.
Originally posted by teraexa:Yo mama so fat, when she said "Let there be light.", God said, "Move aside."
Originally posted by Sjabsucks:yo momma so fat that negi's byakugan cant see past her
eh wtf la
yo mama so fat she played pool with the planets
yo mama so poor when i came to yr house, i step on yr skateboard, yr mama shouted "dont step on the family car!"
Yo momma so fat, that when she wears a yellow raincoat,she looks like a school bus
Yo mama so stupid I told her drinks were on the house so she got a ladder.
yo momma so dumb she was locked for two days in a supermarket and died of hunger.
Yo mama so ugly she makes abigail chay pretty.
Yo mama so ugly doctors said plastic surgery will not work.
Yo mama so cheap she costs 10 cents for 2 hours.
Yo mama so cheap she runs around naked shouting "Lelong lelong, 10 cents for 2 hours!"
Yo mama so pathetic, she has no boobs and a vagina 8 inches wide. (So no business.)
Yo mama so pathetic, the last time she had sex was 590 years ago, with your blind dad.
yo momma is so fat, that when she steps onto the weighing scale, it says..
TO BE CONTINUED... hehehehehe :)
Your momma so ugly, pinocchio nose poke through earth saying she was pretty
so far i think the playing pool with the planets is the most creative one =) really got me laughing.
please dont think that the "ripleys couldnt believe it" one is unique, i saw that one "yo moma" on mtv. oh well, cmon more please! especially from chrisbenoit and zeromethane.
ive got one, yo father so nasty that the only piece of ass he ever got was when his finger slipped through the toilet paper.
FYI, you can YO anything! even your pet dog
yo mama so fat, when she farted she launched herself into orbit
yo mama so fat, she could be the 8th continent on earth
yo moma farts so much ppl say she has a rear-mounted engine
Yo momma so stupid that when I ask her to buy me a coloured TV she said which one?
This is hilarious. Nice yo mamas jokes. Keep it going : )
Yo moma won't be happy when she reads this, and you'll be in deeper shit when she tells your papa.
Yo mama so stupid that she makes Gazelle and lionnoisy look like geniuses.
yo mama so heavy when she sat on a chair it broke..into molecules.
yo mama so stupid she sold her car for gas money.
yo mama so stupid she fell up the stairs.
yo mama so tall she trip and hit the moon.
Yo momma is so stupid that she tripped over a cordless phone