in the end . nobody know how to play game
but a new game called "dick sucker" come out
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:but a new game called "dick sucker" come out
with a 100 horsepower vaccuum cleaner, can suck, empty and elongate anything.
felt like killing ants by spraying my cum on them
Originally posted by fatone:felt like killing ants by spraying my cum on them
the corrosive fluid quickly burn holes in the ground, and peanuts are then planted in these holes.
Originally posted by deathmaster:
the corrosive fluid quickly burn holes in the ground, and peanuts are then planted in these holes.
and the peanuts then tasted like cum.
which exploded the tounge of the peanut tree
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:which exploded the tounge of the peanut tree
starting a wild fire, which is heading towards orchard rd.
but then orchard road is filled with ah beng & ah lians!
So everyone in orchard road kana burn to death~
Originally posted by WoshiaClone:So everyone in orchard road kana burn to death~
soon, the fire spread to the istana....
And then halfway round the world, a evil force is rising ...
it's morphine time
Construction complete, unit ready. " 50 Mecha tengu at ur service"
" Unit lost "
" Unit lost "
" Unit lost "
" Unit lost "
" Unit lost "
*A-bomb launch detected.*
Originally posted by Pentaxdude90:*A-bomb launch detected.*
A mushroom cloud appears over the skyline.
Then everything was lost ...
however, in reality, not all was lost. some cockroaches survived.
The cockroaches met Paris Hilton, who survived the blast because of her silicone nene pok..
but the silicone turned into alien robots
Originally posted by HyperionDCZ:but the silicone turned into alien robots
and became the main cast in star wars: attack of the clones.
they shoot here
they shoot there
they shoot everywhere
Originally posted by sIaN87:they shoot here
they shoot there
they shoot everywhere
and mars was affected. It suddenly comes towards earth and...