A few years ago me and a mate were revising for a physics exam... well... we weren't exactly revising - we studied the questions on past papers and came up with a few of our own for future students to get a grasp on the paper...
The current of a circuit is 2.3A, it has a voltage of 4.8, work out the EMF of a completely unrelated battery
List and describe three ways in which neutrons can be used by monkeys in space for the benefit of culinary physics. Two of the marks available for this question are awarded on the quality of your written communication.
Draw the circuit board of the Phillips FG60 Plasma Screen TV. Draw on your diagram the direction of the current in no less than 70 places.
List the benefits of using an Orange to produce Electrical energy over Limes.
If Jimi Hendrix can play 7 harmonics in a 30 second guitar solo how many strange quarks are destroyed in the creation of 50 anti-electron-neutrinos?
When the examiner writes a 'u' on your paper, how much kinetic energy does he use in the curved part of the 'u', and what is the loss in gravitational potential, ignoring the effects of air resistance?
Using the scale diagram of a supernova provided label and discuss ALL acting forces.
If the force acting one way on a 20 ton aeroplane is 32MN, and the force acting the other way on a pink Chevrolet is 39 newtons, how much money will you need to bribe the examiner to pass this paper?
A student sits a mathematics exam... his arsed levels are at 10% and his teacher is acting with an influencial force of 20%. Considering that the integral of the student is y=2x, and the speed of a passing football is 10m/s, evaluate his grade. Taking into account the shape of the teachers glasses, which have hyperbolic curve with differential y=4x +2.
nt funny lehz...
hahah. NOT.
nice try.
hahahaha. funny. like the u kinetic.