* REC - Really Enduring Camp in Tekong
* PTE - Physically Trained Expert after Tekong
* LCP - Lowest Confident Personnel in camp due to inexperience, also known as "Lan Chao Bing"
* CPL - Cannot Play Liao because you are a senior NSF, also known as "Kao Beh Lang" as they always complain alot
* SGT - Saying Goodbye Thank you, because you are at the end of your service
* SSG - Showing Social Grace by asking people to call you staff instead of sergeant
* MSG - Must Say Good no matter what your commanders so that you get your 1st epaulette on your shoulder faster
* MWO - Must Watch Out for n00bs making mistakes and make them sign extra
* SWO - Still Waiting Orders because you are somehow still lower ranked than commissioned officers even if you have loads more experience than them
* LTA - Listening To Advice because your officer-commanding told you to do so and you cannot disobey
* CPT - Call Please Thanks, too busy with work, no time to reply
* MAJ - Must Always Joke so that people in SAFTI MI will recognise your "Leadership" and send you to command
* LTC - Later Then Confirm because you have too many meetings to attend
* COL - Content Over Leadership since you have already commanded so many people
* BG - Better (be) Gone, so that someone can replace you...
* MG - Media Glamour, especially if you are Chief of Army, pictures always taken for mass media purposes
* LG - Life's good, nowhere higher to go, nothing to do also. (Too bad Singapore do not have a 4 star general!!) Perhaps you can into Singapore administrative services, the place where you can go into politics.