hahaha, very creative
There was a cantonese guy who served NS with me. His name is Ng Kok Peng. We call him the 50 cents soldier.
Other names in cantonese:
Michael Tan: selling eggs
Lynn Tai: Big boobs
Lynn Han: Itchy boobs
Other interesting names:
Harry Kok
Kenny Nair (hokkien)
there used to be a teacher in my sch with the name Ho Chee Why, very jap jap.
people always call him chee ... you know the second part.
Paul Lee (Glass in chinese )
i have a friend who is called "hong you"
his brothers name is "hong zuo"
we always make fun of him by saying if he has a third brother, his name would be "hong zhong"
-.- like mahjong...
andrew puay.
sounds like ant drew pui!
I got a guy whose name tag in NS read C.B. Phua.
So we call him pua chee bai
Originally posted by Tswong1710:Michael Tan: selling eggs
my unit 1WO is michael tan.
Sometimes we call our fren....pua cheeeeeeeee bai.
My primary school classmate's father (Mr Chow) who is cantonese, obviously does not know hokkien when he named his son: Chow Chee Wai