Ypres, Belgium - November 15, 1914
The Battle of Ypres rages as two German soldiers keep watch over the British trenches.
German Soldier 1: My God, who would have thought soldiers would be reduced to this? Sitting in trenches, firing these machined guns at each other. There is little honor to be had here.
German Soldier 2: Yes, yes. But one must never forget we serve a higher purpose than ourselves: the great German fatherland. If I die for Germany, I die with honor.
German Soldier 1: Indeed, but if I must die for Germany, let it be by the blade, not some unseen bullet or bomb.
German Soldier 2: We are fighting a different war than in times past, my friend. A modern war. World War I will be looked on as a turning point for military technology and deployment.
German Soldier 1: I cou...Now wait a minute, what did you call this war?
German Soldier 2: ...What did I say?
German Soldier 1: I believe you called this "World War I."
German Soldier 2: Did I? I meant to say 'The Great War,' of course.
German Soldier 1: Ah, yes. I thought you a fortune-telling gypsy for a second!
German Soldier 2: If you were not my closest friend, I would have your ear for such a comment!
German Soldier 1: Merely a joke, friend. World War I? Ha! As if anyone knows the future! Besides, this is the war to end all wars. The Great War!
German Soldier 2: The Greatest of Wars, so far!
German Soldier 1: Agr...Again, 'so far'? Have you some plan, my friend?
German Soldier 2: A plan? Ha! What use is planning in uncertain times? If I live through World War I, I will most likely return to my passion: pai...
German Soldier 1: There! You did it again! You called it...
A Lieutenant approaches the soldiers' position. Lieutenant: Private Hitler, grab your weapon and report to command.
German Soldier 2: Well, it appears as if I'm needed.
German Soldier 1: Godspeed, friend. Do Germany proud!
German Soldier 2: My friend, I would never do anything to shame the Fatherland! To arms!