What is the lightest thing in the world?
(Think first before highlighting the answer okie)
ANS: A Penis! Because all it takes is just a little imagination to lift it up.
I guess all Jedis train their "FORCE" this way... their BMT is to lift up the lightest thing in the world.
What do you call a virgin on a water bed?
Answer: Cherry Float.
nice 1.. im laughing
TS's one is nice, but i dun get sand king's.
hahaha good1!!
Technically, if a person has ED (Erectile Dysfunction), the joke will be futile since it aims to be the lightest thing in the world as stated in the joke where the punchline goes "imagination to lift it up". ED renders that person to be unable of any self erection of any sort and hence, that will prove that the joke is partially correct.
thats quite a spoiler post Master
Originally posted by jayh272416:TS's one is nice, but i dun get sand king's.
errrr a slang for losing your virginity is "pop the cherry"
get it now?