By Jack
There has been much publicity over the episodic series of the little blue men and their daily frolic. But do they exist? A recent sighting has turned the tables over the seemingly victorious skeptics and given the believers a foothold over their argument.
" It's amazing, simply amazing," says Mr. McCoy, a classroom teacher who personally photographed the sighting, consisting of not one, but an entire family of smurfs at what appears to be a ritual gathering. " I've heard of intelligent species from outer space but Earth? Probably never!"
The one foot taller natives of the mythic Smurfland were seen in McCoy's home shortly after a Christmas party he had thrown. They had been discreetly feasting upon the Christmas goodies, sharing the festive spirit with the unsuspecting humans.
" Me saw 'em 'n screamed," says Mrs. Malloy, a bartop dancer. " Me was washing up the dishes in the kitchen, see? Then this strange blue 'un comes dashin' across me toes, snatches a piece o' fruitcake 'n disappears fore' I can cry ' SAINT IVES!' "
Skeptics however, have remained...skeptic. Scientist George Brown analyzed the photograph and believes it to be what he calls a " deceptive paint job".
"It's faked. I swear it upon my wife," he claims. " The shadows aren't even constant in the first place, and the scale size is too large."
Meanwhile, longtime fans of the Smurfs have begun to rejoice. Samantha Gretchin, Chief Engineer of the MA Society is one such fan. She has celebrated mankind's step forward in the field of discovery by painting her sons blue and forcing them to school dressed in nothing but white pants and a hood.
" They aren't hoods, they're 'oods, boy," she snaps at the author as he attempts to communicate to her. " It's nothing like child abuse neither, they're lucky to have the pants really."
But what do you readers think? We've bought the original photograph, so see for yourselves, and believe!
if you strangle a smurf, do they turn blue?
if there were.. it should be all dead by now
actually smurfs do exists ... all u need to do is strangle someone by the throat and u will see a new smurf!!!