What the answer to 1+2X0 ?
Wow, i see smart people. LOL.. x.X
Is this joke intended for pre-school kids?
Its intended for people for failed maths terribly.
But well, people on sgforums are smart.. lol..
k im lame.
one one one... =.=
First, 1+2=3
Then, 3 times zero times, means no times, thus the answer is 3
okay, really. 1+2x0 is 1
3. 14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 58209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 821480865132823066470938446095505822317253
1 lor. do times first then do plus.
BODMAS says 1
Originally posted by MyPillowTalks:
3 x 0 = 0
btw ans 1
answer is taiti.
bcos 1+2 = 3 sounds like dee.
DX0 is a club.
so ppl go clubbin wear diamond.
so 3 diamond.
so in taiti 3 diamond smallest.
so taiti lor.
correct? i smart hor?
Originally posted by dinky1409:answer is taiti.
bcos 1+2 = 3 sounds like dee.
DX0 is a club.
so ppl go clubbin wear diamond.
so 3 diamond.
so in taiti 3 diamond smallest.
so taiti lor.
correct? i smart hor?
crap , not funny
Originally posted by 93'guy:crap , not funny
ok ok my bad.. i read it again and it was shit.. f8cked.. i must have been really f8cked last night.. posted a lot of crap shit.. my bad..
Originally posted by Zyber12311:What the answer to 1+2X0 ?
I thought it should be 3 X0 ( remy martin xo ?)