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Hi, we a first year Student from Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Collage Central (Yishun). Course: Electronics, our group name is: Educator. My group is currently doing our Lifeskills Project, “Understanding HIV/AIDS”.
Our Aim:
-Facebook Page, Which Already created with (102 likes)
-Simple Video Created about HIV/AIDS and no Discrimination towards HIV/AIDS
-We aim to get 1,000 likes
-We Promote No Discrimination again HIV/AIDS Carries, Awareness of HIV/AIDS on
our Page
are we doing this?
Young people are at the forefront of the global
AIDS epidemic. They remain the most vulnerable group to HIV infection due to,
among other factors, lack of information, access to resources and social
alienation. It is estimated that 4.9 million youths (aged 15 to 24 years)
worldwide are living with HIV. In 2009, about 41% of new HIV infections were
among youths, with 3,000 infected each day.
In Singapore, the median age for sexual experimentation is 15 years of age. An increasing number of youths are getting infected with HIV/AIDS each year. Last year, there were 78 newly infected people below the age of 29; in 2009 the figure was 68. The statistics for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) are more startling. In 2009, 681 youths aged 10 to 19 were diagnosed with STI. STIs increase the risk of HIV infections by up to 5 times and there are simple steps to prevent the spread of STIs, including HIV/AIDS.
We can see that HIV/AIDS Carries do face problem why they are trying to find job, some HIV/AIDS carries was fired by their company. Their friends stay away from them, their family didn’t gave them support but chase them away from home. The treatment for HIV/AIDS is not cheap, some aids carries face problem buying their medicine some even gave up half way by not going for doctor appointment and totally gave up. In our page, We share with people the hotlines to get help from example: Actions For AIDS Singapore or the Health Promotion Board hotline.
Youth, over the pass few years we can see that the number of youth infected by HIV/AIDS virus we hope to share with people the importance of safe sex. Although Condom cannot have 100% confirm of protecting you from receiving HIV/AIDS virus during sexual intercourse but it still bring down the chance of you infected by HIV/AIDS viruses.
I hope that you can support my group by going to this facebook page and “Like” the page. We hope to get 1,000 likes as soon as possible. I would also like to thank the Admin of SGForums for allowing me to post on this page. Below is the URL.
WOW, at least someone is doing something for aids patients but where your from?
Hey Educator_ITEYishun,
thank you and welcome back! I've been waiting for this thread to appear for nearly a week.
I'll help share around my friends in facebook
Even though my studies is related to Biomedical Sciences, I would still like you to help me answer serveral questions related to your project.
Q1: What have you gain from this project?
Q2: If there is something that you could do the project differently, what would it be, and how?
Q3: How would you apply what you have learn from this project?
Q4: Tell us more about your team, teamwork, and strength and weakness of the members.
HI Emoslacker We are from ITE Collage Central (YISHUN).
Hi Darkness_hacker99
Thank you, Well I learn that there's actually groups that comes out to help hiv/aids carriers in singapore. We have Action for AIDS Singapore (AFA) helping out hiv/aids carriers.
Q2: We choose social media network for our project, most teen or even adults usally spet lots of time online. We hope that we can spread useful information about hiv/aids and no discrimination towards hiv/aids carriers. If we have such chance again next time, maybe I wish that we can have more chance to speak to the public directly.
Q3: For now I used to tell people around me that if they came across a hiv/aids carriers treat them like a normal person because a hiv/aids carriers are still normal human like us, they still need people to talk to them.
Q4: My team, I'm a assitance leader in them them above me is my leader we are a team of 6 people. We named our team name: Educator, why educator? Because we aim to educate people about hiv/aids and not discriminate hiv/aids carriers. Teamwork well I'm the one doing stuff online, my leader is planning with other member a Photo Gallery in my school ITE Yishun for our schoolmates. Weakness, I believe everyone have weakness but because of our teamwork we still manage to do the project smoothly.
You can also help us by click "LIKE" on our facebook Fan page! If you still have any more question feel free to email me at leave a message on my facebook page.
for a start whats HIV/AIDS?
then any progress into cure for HIV/AIDS?
which countries have the most HIV/AIDS?
Hi Rooney_07
Before I start, please note that having HIV does not means that you have AIDS. Some people may have HIV but they are not a AIDS patients.
HIV also known as (Human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome). The virus damages or destroys the cells of the immune system, leaving them unable to fight infection and certain cancer.
There's no cure for aids patients, there is only medicine to help aids patients so that they can live longer.
South Africa, has the most hiv/aids patients there are a total of 5,600,000 people living with hiv/aids in South Africa. Nigeria with 3,300,000 and India with 2,400,000. In asia, Tailand has 530,000 hiv/aids people living with hiv/aids. Indonesia with 310,000 and Vietnam with 280,000. There are total number of 4,845 singaporean living with HIV in 2010. Till 31 Dec 2010 2,319 person has asymptomatic carries, 1,137 have or had AIDS-related illnesses and 1,389 have died.
Like our facebook fan page today to have more hiv/aids information!
it's also important to include the fact that there are certain people who are resistant to HIV.
@dangerboi, Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for you feedback! We will discuss this in our next discusion. Mean While you can also "like" our page at:
(Assitance Leader)
Firstly I would like to thank SgForums for allowing us to post this thread here. We have completed our project. We would like to thank SgForums Fans and People whom have "liked" our page
We will continal to share HIV information on our page and if you are intrested on our presentation here the slides!
Best Regards,
Educator (Assitance Leader)
Originally posted by Educator_ITEYishun:Hi,
Firstly I would like to thank SgForums for allowing us to post this thread here. We have completed our project. We would like to thank SgForums Fans and People whom have "liked" our page
We will continal to share HIV information on our page and if you are intrested on our presentation here the slides!
Best Regards,
Educator (Assitance Leader)
Congratz! Hopefully you all have learned from your project!
The fact is that, just before AIDS disorder grows in any person, there's a stretch of time, the Hiv lays inactive in your system and therefore even an affected individual is not able to have an understanding of if that person is keeping this unique virus. In most situations, persons feel signs of AIDS from the moment they get afflicted. On the other hand, in greater part of many other occasions, it will take several years for the AIDS to set. Attributable to complexness of AIDS, it is tough to calculate just about any distinct final results.
To comprehend the increase of Signs and symptoms of Human immunodeficiency virus that face men, we still have to examine signs or symptoms in the initial weeks (2 or maybe 3 months) and therefore the future weeks (soon after Five-six periods). Research and health-related research have implied that prior to when six weeks, the Human immunodeficiency virus infections indicate occurrence which were intense. Intense Human immunodeficiency virus infections exhibits signs within 2-3 weeks as soon as virus has afflicted and it can last for round Thirty days. Right after 30 days, the indicators may go down with minimal incidents often. Therefore, after Six weeks from the infectivity, there are not any Human immunodeficiency virus Signs or symptoms that face men. Even so, at the same time, in the preliminary weeks of infection, the defense system has announced its very first combat AIDS and therefore creation of anti-bodies in the bloodstream is performed.