Cast: Raymond Lam 林峯 (飾邰風), Bobby Au-Yeung æ�陽震è�¯ (飾江æ�±å�¥), Tavia Yeung 楊怡 (飾方å°�芳), Sire Ma 馬賽 (é£¾æ±Ÿæƒ å¦¹), Mandy Wong 黃智雯 (飾邰欣), John Chiang 姜大å�‰ (飾å”�經天), Gigi Wong 黃淑儀 (飾宋楚喬), Power Chan 陳國邦 (飾å”�永燊)
We all experience birth, old age, sickness and death. Yet have you ever wondered who determines the time of our death? Respected pharmaceutical doctor KONG TUNG-KIN (Bobby Au Yeung Chun Wah) starts up his own clinic after a drug trial incident. One day, he is approached by TOI FUNG (Raymond Lam), who claims to be Satan, for a patient’s life. Refusing to do so, he suggests handing over his own. His reaction takes FUNG by surprise. With a view to getting to know more about human being, FUNG interferes with KIN’s life, including his family and career. In addition, he pursues FONG SIU-FONG (Tavia Yeung), a nurse KIN has been secretly in love with. Later, KIN sells his soul to FUNG for money and fame. As time goes by, he starts to become a totally different person, losing his kindness without himself knowing it.
生è€�ç—…æ»ä»¿ä¼¼æ˜¯äººä¹‹å¸¸æƒ…,甚麼人應該早æ»ï¼Ÿç”šéº¼äººæ‡‰è©²é�²æ»ï¼Ÿæ‡‰ç”±èª°ä¾†æŽŒæŽ§ï¼Ÿæ±Ÿæ�±å�¥(æ�陽震è�¯)本是一å��å‚™å�—æ¥ç•Œè³žè˜çš„ç ”è—¥é†«ç”Ÿï¼Œå› ä¸€å®—è©¦è—¥é¢¨æ³¢æ¯…ç„¶é›¢é–‹è—¥å» ï¼Œè‡ªç«‹é–€æˆ¶ç•¶è¨ºæ‰€é†«ç”Ÿï¼Œä¸€å¤©ä»–å·§é�‡äº†è‡ªç¨±æ˜¯é”鬼的邰風(林峯), 邰風è¦�求他交出一ä½�該æ»çš„人å��,但æ�±å�¥å�»å¯§é¡˜äº¤å‡ºè‡ªå·±çš„性命也ä¸�願屈æœ�,令邰風å°�人類產生強烈的好奇感,開始一æ¥ä¸€æ¥å…¥ä¾µæ�±å�¥çš„生活,包括他的家åºã€�事 æ¥ã€�甚至愛情,更公然追求æ�±å�¥æš—戀多時的è·å£«æ–¹å°�芳(楊怡),æ�±å�¥é�¸æ“‡èˆ‡é”鬼å�Œè¡Œå¾Œï¼Œå��利雙收,但å�Œæ™‚å°�自己亦愈見陌生,甚至ä¸�自覺地失去了善良的本 性…….
watching this drama.... good!!!