「家åºå¼�ã€�經營的全心醫務所由齊家三姊弟掌舵,總管大å°�事務的為大事糊塗ã€�å°�事精明的行政經ç�†ï¼Œå�³å¤§å®¶å§�齊è�ƒï¼›é‚„有å°�人å°�事å�‡è¦�求甚高的婦產科醫生二家å§�é½ŠèŠ¯ï¼›åŠ ä¸ŠçŽ©ä¸–ä¸�æ�的兒科醫生三弟齊彰,他們既是å�Œäº‹äº¦ç‚ºå®¶äººã€‚
é™¤äº†æ€§æ ¼è¿¥ç•°çš„ä¸‰å§Šå¼Ÿï¼Œç’°ç¹žé†«å‹™æ‰€çš„é‚„æœ‰é€€ä¼‘å¤–ç§‘è�–手的大å§�夫ã€�å°�二家å§�極長情的「痴心情長åŠ�ã€�ã€�風æµ�但ä¸�下æµ�的整容醫生ã€�çƒ�é¾�å�§åº•ä¿�è·å£«ï¼Œä»¥å�Šä¸‹ä¸€ä»£å®¶é†«ç§‘精英å�Šé†«å‹™æ‰€å�„è�·å“¡ï¼ŒéŒ¯ç¶œå¾®å¦™çš„人際關係,交織出ä¸�å�Œçš„人生å°�故事。所謂「能醫ä¸�自醫ã€�,一ç�æ“�有高超醫術的æ��林精英,é�¢å°�è‡ªå·±çš„æ€§æ ¼ç¼ºé™·ã€�人性弱點,想è¦�æ ¹æ²»ï¼Œå�ˆæœ‰ä½•è‰¯æ–¹ï¼Ÿ
'Family Style' dedicated medical clinic is ran by the Chai's family
three siblings after the death of their parents. Oldest sister CHAI
CHUEN (Michelle Yim) deals with all the administrative management of the
clinic. Second sister and an obstetrician CHAI YUI (Teresa Mo) has high
expectations on all people and situations. Third brother and a
pediatrician CHAI JEUNG (Roger Kwok) is frivolous. The three siblings
treat their colleagues just like family.
In addition to the three
siblings there is retired surgeon oldest brother-in-law (Paul Chun),
the accomplished plastic surgeon who is heads over heels for the second
sister, the undercover pretty nurse (Bernice Liu) and the next
generation family physicians and clinic staff. The complicated and
subtle relationships causes different small life stories. The so-called
"doctors cannot be self-doctor", the group of elite physicians have to
face their own personality flaws, human weaknesses and if you want a
cure, what kind of effective strategy do you have?
The daily
battle of wits in the clinic between the sisters CHUEN and YUI leaves
little brother JEUNG stuck in the middle with a headache. In the early
years, oldest sister CHUEN was forced to give up her doctor career and
becomes a nurse to look after the family. She paid for her two younger
siblings' medical education with the money earned. When the siblings
started their own family practice, the two sisters had conflicts and
arguments due to their different statuses. Often questions like "Are you
the older sister or am I the older sister?" and "Are you the doctor or
am I the doctor?" comes up in the arguments.
Michelle (as Qi Quan ), Roger Kwok (as Qi Chang ), Bernice Liu children (as Lu Ying Hong ), Paul Chun (as Ge knife ), Liao Anli (ashomogeneous core ), Hui Siu Hung (as Ching Cheung sword ),Guo Cheng-hung (as Tom Gan Bao ), Zhou Jiayi ( decoratedCheng Yi ), Lin Xiuyi (as Ge Hui ), Lim Kit (as Tom Ka Yan ), Liu Qianting (as Ge Qi ), Chung Huang (as quiet ), Luohao Kai (as Blue King thinking )
the english title abit... ... ... misleading >____>
Originally posted by Pitot:bernice
she is very stiff.
this is a horror movie?
the place is run by Pennywise??
Pregnant by family = incest
can some mod change the title pls
attract me here for nothing
The title is a direct tanslation from google.
Anyway, got the real English title for this drama...
Originally posted by zoragirl:The title is a direct tanslation from google.
Anyway, got the real English title for this drama...
nv trust google translation...
u try running a few chinese report from wanbao with google translation and u're garanteed to luff
i like michelle yim. but how come paul chun ish her husband? so old leh.