up and down...
left to right...
right to left?
I got a feeling.. *WOOHOOOooo* tonight's gonna be a good nite..
eh archerly now i dun feel anything
but wtf
maybe someone will invent console tie to ur leg
so u must shake ur leg
Hanor.. leg powerful.. can thrust.. can jerk.. should be a piece of cheesepie..
i dont like lowblows
i dont like people throw bowling ball
i dun noe why i serve so fast
i think batting is the suckiest thing to do
but i like to wedge, drive and putt
tie to the waist
wii no hula
and if seoti do that, we have no space in living room
i sponsor my hula
can improvise
Next time i go get yoga mat.. can play karmasutra game..
tantric sex
i rikes!~!~!~!
like dance dance revolution de mat
but oni can play with hands and knees
Originally posted by FireIce:like dance dance revolution de mat
but oni can play with hands and knees
gacky dance dance revo is use hand only
Originally posted by FireIce:like dance dance revolution de mat
but oni can play with hands and knees
I like to watch from behind..
Originally posted by laurence82:gacky dance dance revo is use hand only
is tt para para?
You guys will feel more song with a joint each.
lai lai lai.. one each ..
n u guys can jerk each other off after
Originally posted by FireIce:is tt para para?
Its pak la pak la..
piak la piak la
Originally posted by FireIce:is tt para para?
para para oni use legs leh
we also did blowjob, not me specifically
still got wat else?
paiseh, its suck first, then blow
then only later jerk
then got roll
then got various style
like bogey, double bogey, triple bogey, par, birdie
gacky know one style called inverted simi roll
london choco roll
this style ijjit u and å©å�的爸 invent one? during the dark and stormy night?
me and å©å�的爸......
one dark stormy nite..... we 相约 play sushido de numeroid together
we 大战三百回之�, still �分胜负....
then we decided to stop
and a while later, i feel like puking
kopi say must be pregnant......
å°±è¿™æ · become å©å�的爸,å©å�的妈 loh......
wah u got count ah, 300 rounds
u all power
so both of u say 'dont stop, dont stop' whole night lar