Where is my GaCKanaBabe?
u all dun make fun of her lah, she actually quite nice person
wat is 擦嘴?
wipe mouth
wah u say me? wat it means har?
I ish not huai4 ren2
not mine
gacky can have him/her/shim
babe with banana ? ......
must be bangkok's fault ? ....
fatum's kid
Originally posted by laurence82:fatum's kid
I always follow TSR during live firing .......
it lies in ur genes, not in ur behaviour
Originally posted by laurence82:it lies in ur genes, not in ur behaviour
pom mai chup klatoey ....
So wat ish the status of thish scandal?
pls, u noe it not a guy, so 100% not my babe, pig or zhu