NAFA and LaSalle, their internship/attachment period usually is when? Any other design schools or poly also can.
Also, anyone in SGF is a freelance designer for graphic designs and webpages?
Come come, my ad company interested to know and possibily recruiting.
i photographer nia... my latest portfolio is in club30s. hahahahaha~
Wah kao.
My Attachment just end.
Originally posted by kopiosatu:i photographer nia... my latest portfolio is in club30s. hahahahaha~
U got conduct photography class or not?
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:Wah kao.
My Attachment just end.
NAFA attachment period is from when to when? or anytime de?
Originally posted by Gackt247:
NAFA attachment period is from when to when? or anytime de?
I dunno.
Must ask peetoo.
Me not NAFA.
Me is TP Design.
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:
I dunno.Must ask peetoo.
Me not NAFA.
Me is TP Design.
TP design got set period when can do attachment?
design is such a big field, can be more specific what sort of design students u want or not?
Originally posted by Gackt247:
TP design got set period when can do attachment?
8 weeks.
Over ler.
Last week was the End of our attachment.
Originally posted by laurence82:design is such a big field, can be more specific what sort of design students u want or not?
say liao leh.. graphic and webpage design.
Originally posted by Gackt247:
say liao leh.. graphic and webpage design.
Oh. Me cant.
Me is Product designer.
Originally posted by Gackt247:
U got conduct photography class or not?
i teach for what sial
me not qualified enough
me only earn money from photoshoots
Originally posted by kopiosatu:i teach for what sial
me not qualified enough
me only earn money from photoshoots
den can teach me mah.
Originally posted by Gackt247:
den can teach me mah.
me no take romantic photos.
i only take photos like these
where got? never say
must resist temptation to show off ah lau's photo
wey wey
dont want to say u
how come fifi see the photo ler?
u say never show her
Originally posted by laurence82:wey wey
dont want to say u
how come fifi see the photo ler?
u say never show her
never show her ah.
she knows i got a ring on that finger
ok back to topic
Originally posted by laurence82:she knows i got a ring on that finger
she also didn't see the photo leh.
that link is for those who appeared at the makan session nia.
unless she so heng anyhow guess?
aiyah, its ok de lar
i think she is in love with me
Thread tio hijacked.
Originally posted by Gackt247:Thread tio hijacked.
where got hijacked.
i'm still waiting for photography offers. me freelancer.
but graphic design, me do little bit nia
you can try meltz.. she's really good..