[b]Kannina, after watching so many late nites soccer, no need 2 sleep one ah?
Suck yr own C0CK & keep on b!tching at Com screen can liao ah?
Geez, no wonder always ask ppl 2 get a life, coz can see ManU doggies here dun hv 1.
Fyi, i'm not even bothered 2 notice a cheating team dat needs Ref 2 help them beat a injured italian team.

No matter how many goals! 
why do you even care how late we sleep? or whether we do sleep? what, you being all motherly now?
sorry to burst your bubble but...
sucking our own schlongs is anatomically impossible. unless you have a one-of-a-kind back. or if you had your ribs removed. i'm guessing you did have your rib removed for your own pleasure.
we ask people to get a life. because having a life is a wonderful thing. we experience it on a daily basis, and we're here to spread the good news, preaching to you losers to get a life, to enjoy life. we're not evil. we're actually helping you.
if you're not even bothered to notice. then why notice in the first place? why post? injured italian team? oh please. my toes are laughing right now. i can't stop rolling on the floor. heaven forbid.
yeah. sia suay. for you lor. sadly. in the world of football. result tables/goal differences do rely on the number of goals teams score. so chelsea can jolly well catch up with man utd. and still lose in goal differences.
i said it tons of times before. and i'll say it again. get a life for fcuk sakes.
and bloody-hell stop making clones just to flame us, to fulfill your sick, low-life fetish. wanna flame/scold/fight/quarrel/argue/curse/swear, please, use your brain, even if it's in your posterior, at least, use some common sense.
[quote]Originally posted by superstrongnlong:
Slapping yr own face again? ManU bapoks!
I notice dat only. Did not know ManU 7-1 cheatings until tis link.