Originally posted by eg6stanley:
A joke about three students, one Maxican, Palagi and Samoan, and they were all children in 2nd grade. So there teacher asked them to use the words Green, Pink and Yellow in a sentence, so the Maxican goes and says, "WHOA! ESE MAI MOMS LIKES PINK, MAI POPS LIKE YELLOW, AND I LIKE GREEN" the teacher says Good. The Palgagi goes and says, "THE COLOR OF THE TREE OUTSIDE IS GREEN, MY MOTHERS' BLOUSE WAS PINK, AND MY SISTERS' RIBBON WAS YELLOW" the teacher says Good Good. Then the Samoan kid goes up and says, "ONE DAY, WHEN I WAS STAYED INSIDE MY HOUSE THE PHONE WENT GREEN GREEN GREEN,SO I WENT PINK UP THE PHONE, AND SAID YELLOW".