Born in the Summer (June, July, August)Wu
Born on the Emperor's HeadThis is an auspicious indication, since anyone born on the Emperor's head in the Summer will never have any worries. There are no obstacles and difficulties in this person's entire life. This also suggests a person who will have an excellent intellect, and who is good at strategic thinking and planning.
Tze & Choh
Born on the Emperor's Hands This birth situation suggests that you will have more than sufficient money and business luck. Your good fortune improves with the years and you will attain great success during the later stages of your life.
Mao & Yu
Born on the Emperor's Shoulders You are so lucky if you have this birth situation, since it brings you a lifetime of wealth and prosperity, lacking for nothing. You will amass a fortune during your lifetime, and in your old age, you will own plenty of properties. If you live an honourable life, you will be blessed with plenty of grandchildren and live to an old age.
Born on the Emperor's StomachThis birth situation indicates there is plenty to eat and more than sufficient clothes to wear and to enjoy. There is good fortune luck from your late forties onwards. You will not have to worry about your old age for you will be well looked after.
Wei & Hai
Born on the Emperor's GirthThis birth situation suggests that you will have loving parents and be surrounded by noblemen and important people. What you make of your good fortune at birth will depend on your own efforts.
Shen & Shih
Born on the Emperor's Knees It will be hard for you to be given the recognition for the work you do. There will be obstacles that can stand in your way and unless you can overcome this lack of recognition luck, by middle age, you will be exhausted.
Yiu & Sen
Born on the Emperor's FeetThis birth situation brings an easy life where everything comes easily, especially to those born male. Also, if you are of the male gender, it is likely you will have more than one wife. Women will find you irresistible. You will be blessed if you have a good attitude and a pure motivation.
Born in the Autumn (September, October, November)) Hai
Born on the Emperor's HeadThis birth situation is especially beneficial for girls, as it indicates you will have a very comfortable and stable life with plenty of good fortune and prosperity luck. But both genders will benefit from the wonderful good fortune of being born on the emperor's head in autumn.
Tze & Choh
Born on the Emperor's HandsThis is an extremely auspicious situation of birth, as there is the promise of wealth coming from the four directions. Each time you travel, you will meet with a person of high standing who will help and assist you. You will benefit by going overseas to study or to work.
Cher & Wu
Born on the Emperor's ShouldersThis birth situation suggests that there is prosperity luck and you will become rich in your middle age. You will also have the help of your siblings, especially your brothers. You are blessed with many genuine friends.
Born on the Emperor's StomachThis birth situation indicates that you will keep company with many clever people. They are people who excel in their career and their study and their presence in your life will inspire you to be ambitious. Happiness brings good fortune, so you must develop a happy disposition and be smiling at all times.
Mao & Wei
Born on the Emperor's GirthYou will enjoy an abundance of food and clothing during your middle age. Your sons and grandsons will bring you much happiness and contentment, so you have quite outstanding descendants luck. Those with this birth situation will benefit if they get married at a young age and start a family in their twenties.
Yiu & Yu
Born on the Emperor's KneeYou will need to work very hard during your early years and there may be some setbacks, but you are blessed with good fortune in later life. Those who have this birth situation should rejoice and never feel discouraged, as their success when they are older will more than make up for setbacks they may experience in their early years.
Shih & Shen
Born on the Emperor's Feet Your whole life will be safe and peaceful and there is nothing to fear in terms of being hurt by others. If you are ambitious and have the determination to succeed, you can reach great heights professionally. Even if you do not reach the top, you will nevertheless be content with what you have. Therein lies the secret of your happiness.
Born in the Winter (December, January, February)Tze
Born on the Emperor's HeadIf you are born on the Emperor's head in winter, you will make a brilliant marriage. Your spouse will be a well respected person who comes from a highly regarded family background. You will have luxury in your life with enough food and clothes.
Hai & Wu
Born on the Emperor's HandsYou will have good family surroundings and there will always be occasions for rejoicing. You will be especially successful in your old age, when you have passed your 60th birthday
Yu & Mao
Born on the Emperor's ShouldersYou are blessed with exceptional descendants luck, so there are many sons and grandsons in your life. You will have some problems and setbacks during your growing-up and early career years, but you will enjoy good luck in later life. A great deal of your luck will be brought to you by your spouse and then by your sons and grandsons.
Born on the Emperor's StomachYou are one person who is sure to enjoy singing, socializing and glamorous parties. And you have the luck to enjoy this lifestyle, as there is both prosperity and longevity in your life. It is however important for you to undertake some charitable work or donate to charity during your middle-aged years. This will bring you even more good fortune.
Yiu & Sen
Born on the Emperor's GirthYou will be blessed with exceptional good fortune in your old age when there is gold, asset accumulation and a thriving business in your family. You have the luck to grow old with someone you care for and love.
Choh & Wei
Born on the Emperor's Knees You will have enough to eat and survive on, but little left over, and during your middle-aged years, there will be some truly trying times. It is incredibly vital for you to do charity and devote some time to caring for others. This will dissolve much of the negative chi that surrounds you.
Shen & Shih
Born on the Emperor's Feet You should live away from your parents and grandparents, as it benefits you to have your own dwelling place. If you have your own home, you will enjoy good fortune. The further away you are from your ancestral home, the better it will be for you.