Originally posted by sbst275:Sheng Siong really sell a lot of cheapo yet good budget varients
Not really.. things like vegetables, fruits maybe...
And things coming in from Malaysia and China.
If you look at things coming from US, Australia, UK, such as chocolates etc., it is usually more expensive than NTUC and sometimes even Cold Storage.
Originally posted by Junyang700:Not really.. things like vegetables, fruits maybe...
And things coming in from Malaysia and China.
If you look at things coming from US, Australia, UK, such as chocolates etc., it is usually more expensive than NTUC and sometimes even Cold Storage.
most of e Kit Kat single serve we've are from UK not M'sia anymore.
Originally posted by sbst275:
ehmost of e Kit Kat single serve we've are from UK not M'sia anymore.
When it comes to chocolates, i prefer NTUC (for value) or Cold Storage (for variety).
Sheng Siong wise, I say I go there for kiddy treats (those tidbits i used to eat when i was young)... Malaysian biscuits, chocolates....
but some of the stuff sold in wet market is fresher leh. you go to supermarket in the evening all the veggies like limpy liddat.
den as for seafood, wetmarket got better selection to choose from. you can even ask the seller the source of the seafood.
Originally posted by deathmaster:but some of the stuff sold in wet market is fresher leh. you go to supermarket in the evening all the veggies like limpy liddat.
den as for seafood, wetmarket got better selection to choose from. you can even ask the seller the source of the seafood.
Problem with wet market is they always "CHOP" if you are not a regular.
Their hypermart range is more or less around SS's range