Subject: Deathy boy aka auntie killer
Sex:hoping to lose my virginity before 20/male
What made u wanted to start this mag?
-I wanted to try and create the world's first mag style forum
What's the darkest thing u've ever done in your life?
-Gor pi sai on bus seats

be careful when u see me on buses

What would u do if u can be the opposite sex for a day?
-hmm.... get a video camera first and shoot myself naked all day long. Snog with a lesbian, touch myself everywhere and kiss myself on the mirror. I'll stop short of wanking
When do u predict u will die?
-Around 60 i think
What would u play at your funeral?
-If I had i choice, it would be europe's final countdown
What do u think about suicide?
-it should deathfinitely be legal, i do believe we have our right to die. It's not selfish at all. Think of it like euthanasia.
Thoughts about what the apocalypse will be like?
- Earthquake first, followed by tsunami. Once everything is washed out, then out comes lava after that more earthquake and tsunami to put out all the flames.
On a lighter note, what songs are u listening to now?
-motley crue's if i die tomorrow
Beyond-guang hui sui yue
Lene marlin-what would it be
Lastly, which dead personality would u hope to revive?
-Gandhi, there will be hope of world peace with him around.
Interview by:deathy boy