As inspired by the Slipknot concert which was held on Tuesday, I have decided to write my first review in tribute to the 9 piece Nu-Metal band from the States.
Known for their extreme and violent music in the music scene, Slipknot have certainly caught the attention of music lovers from all around the world. The group was formed in the summer of 1995 by Paul Gray, Shawn and Anders Colsefini, they released they first EP "Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat" and received instant recognition. Slipknot, at that time with only 5 members, was then signed by RoadRunnerRecords.
Anders Colsefini, because of his wedding plans, decided to leave the band and the remaining band members respected his decision and went on their way to find another vocalist. Soon after, Donnie Steele decided that the style the band adopted was not suitable for him and soon after, left the band. Knowing they needed to find band members fast, Joey pulled in one of his former band-mate, Craig.
After their first major show in 1996, the band decided they needed more two more drummers and hence the arrival of Chris and Shawn. During one of their shows, Joey and Shawn brought along masks from their former band, the Clown and the Kabuki. The other members decided to wear something over their head and stuffs like pantyhose were worn over heads of members without masks and the idea of wearing masks permenently grew. At the same show, they decided to pull in vocalist of Stone Sour, Corey Taylor. Unwilling to leave Stone Sour, Corey Taylor decided to go along with both bands and became the lead vocalist for both bands. Slipknot was officially formed.
June 1999, during the era of Limp Bizkit, Slipknot released their first album, entitled "Slipknot".Although airplay was low, the album sold well and was eventually compared to Limp Bizkit. The famous slogan " Limp Bizkit was hard? They are Osmonds." was famous within hard rock fans at that time. They were also invited to Ozzfest yearly since that year.
Their second album, "IOWA", was released in 2001 and reached billboard Top 5 chart and Topped UK's chart. Their fanbase grew heavily during that period of time and they officially started on their first world tour. After "IOWA", the band members went on a hiatus while members like Joey and Corey worked on their side bands during that period.
They regrouped in 2003 when rumours went around about the disbanding of Slipknot, they released their third album "The Sublimal Verses :Vol 3". It reached billboard chart of number 2. They had also changed their masks, due to requests of band members. They went on their "Sublimal Verses" Europe Tour in 2004 and in 2005, they decided to show Asia what Slipknot is all about by heading to Japan and Singapore, and was well recieved. Slipknot made it a point not to reveal their faces to the public, but many members had been photographed unmasked and due to that, their music video, "Before I Forget" was taken, off mask.
Slipknot was also voted Top 10 Live band.
Band members listing.
0 - Sid (Turn Table)
1 - Joey (Drums)
2 - Paul (Bass)
3 - Chris (Percussions)
4 - James (Guitar)
5 - Criag (Sample)
6 - Shawn (Percussions)
7 - Mick (Guitar)
8 - Corey (Vocal)