Hi, I need help from those who are between 13 - 14 years old for my research paper.
Those who have some time to spare, kindly share your views and opinions on the following:
If possible. kindly let me know your name, age & which school you are from. If you want, you may email your views to denise2922@yahoo.com.sg.
Your participation greatly appreciated!
Q1) Have you attended any live theatre performance before? if yes, which production and around when.
Q2) Were you taken by your family members or were you part of a class excursion?
Q3) What did you remember most about the performance/s and why? (eg. characters portrayed, the acting, the dialogue, the staging, the storyline, the costume...etc)
Q4) If you have a choice in choosing a performance to watch, what form of theatre do you prefer to watch? And why? (eg. Puppetry, Musical, Realistic, Non-Naturalistic, Traditional- Chinese opera, Kathakali... etc)
Q5) If you were to watch a performance, what theme of the performance would you like to watch most? And why? (eg. on BGR, family, friendships, based on literature text, on Shakespear's play, social issues, political issues...etc)
Q6) Have you attended any drama workshops before? If yes, can you please elaborate on what is the workshop about? (eg. Process drama, acting, scriptwriting, directing, devising...etc)
Q7) Did you find the workshops useful? Yes or no, in what way?
Q8) If you have not attended any drama workshops before, would you like to have the opportunity to do so? If yes, which area of drama/theatre are you interested in?
About yourself:
1) What are your hobbies?
2) What do you like or dislike?
3) Describe yourself in 3 words.