as for me:
back: a friend of mine said from the back, i look like a beautiful gal (i did not dwell on what she might be implying about my front. -____-"")
left: i notice i often subconsciously move the more delicious components of my food to the left cheek (eg, when eating sausage muffin burger, i will move the the more tasty sausage to the left side to chew. dun ask me why, it just happens)
top: i am a highly cephalized organism (meaning all the important sensory organs and nervous control are localised at a specific end), with my most prized possession located in the top half of my body

my long, beautiful hair (which, regretably, has been most disagreeable these past few days. i suspect it might have something to do with the change in global climate.)
outside: you know that famous saying: beauty is skin-deep. but for me, that is deep enough. i dun care about having an adorable pancreas.