Really?Originally posted by oxford mushroom:2) most humans are trichromatic in their vision. that is due to the 3 kinda of cones we have. i hear that some primate species are dichromatic, having only have 2 kinds of cones (opsin proteins being coded for in the X chromosome). hence, some female monkeys with heterzygosity for those opsin genes are actually trichromatic. what about humans? are there human females who are tetrachromatic?
I am not aware of such a gender difference but sorry, it's not my field.
Keep the feud with OM out of this place.Originally posted by maurizio13:To TS,
You could have gotten all those answers if you bother to Google.
That's where "Dr. Mushroom" gets his answers.
The only good government that ever exists is western democracy.Originally posted by oxford mushroom:haha...this shows how desperate maurizio and folks have been. Having been humiliated by their weak arguments, they have to resort to personal attacks in a totally unrelated forum. They have again shown that they are just not capable of proper political discourse.
No wonder the government thinks Singaporeans are not ready for western-style democracy.
Lady, mushroom must also have his holidays mah....See if I can help you with your questions....Originally posted by starblue:hmmm.... mushroom no longer around?![]()
Originally posted by starblue:
[b]more questions...
1) when our eyes are closed, do our pupils still adjust their size when things get too bright? i find that closing the eyes makes it harder to tolerate brightness, then if i just close them to a slit.
ANS:Maybe your eyelids dermis is rather thin and since they stretch over your eyeballs, they may be spread thin.
3) you know how when u listen to a person's voice, you can kinda tell the age? as in, children sound one way, young adults another, older adults another and old folks also another. and i'm not talking about the content of the speech, just the intonation. so... how come our voices change?
ANS: As a child approaches menarche, hormones cause the voice to change. For males, the voicebox will enlarge and hence the adam's apple. The pitch will drop with the enlargment. Females will also have male hormones but in lesser quantity however their voices will remain high pitch unless they are genetically born with larger voiceboxes. As people age, phelgm builds up in the respiratory tract and cause air-flow to be reduced and hence a lower tone.[b]
1. Your pupils do dilate when you shut your eyes for a long period so that your pupils have time to adjust. If the environment then becomes too bright and the light penetrates through your eyelids, the dilated pupils may allow too much to light to enter. On the other hand, if you close your eyes to a slit and allow some light in so that your pupils do not dilate as much, your pupils are accomodated to handle more light and so you might find it less uncomfortable. Wear a eye mask to sleep...I do.Originally posted by starblue:more questions...
1) when our eyes are closed, do our pupils still adjust their size when things get too bright? i find that closing the eyes makes it harder to tolerate brightness, then if i just close them to a slit.
2) i heard something about women who had just given birth tend to lose a lot of hair. is that true? what is happening here?
3) you know how when u listen to a person's voice, you can kinda tell the age? as in, children sound one way, young adults another, older adults another and old folks also another. and i'm not talking about the content of the speech, just the intonation. so... how come our voices change?
4) is it true that when you are on oral contraceptives or antibiotics then you shouldnt go sun tanning? why?
5) women nearing their menopause, will they have like... heavy menstrual flows and cramps, even though they seldom had before?
6) approxiamately 1.5 - 2 weeks after my period ends, i will feel super lethargic. need to sleep for very long hours (like, very hard to wake up without having slept for at least 10 hours). what is happening here? is it because of iron deficiency or wad (cos iron is being used up to make new blood???) is it normal? do other gals experience this?
Mushroom is back in Sg with three jobsOriginally posted by starblue:hmmm.... mushroom no longer around?![]()
Originally posted by starblue:我的蘑�在哪里?
Haha...sorry..have been busy with the students. Things should get better in July when I finish teaching my module. Whilst I am here, will try to answer some of your earlier questions..
1) women have 2 ovaries. do they alternate in ovulation every month? one month this ovary ovulates, the next month the other ovary, and so on?
No, quite random although statistically ovulation occurs with fairly equal frequencies on both sides (Ecochard R, Gougeon A. Side of ovulation and cycle characteristics in normally fertile women. Hum Reprod. 2000 Apr;15(4):752-5.)
2) how to gauge if a menstrual flow is heavy or light? i mean... we don't go around comparing the amount with other ladies, do we?
The anount does vary between individuals. You can gauge a change in flow by the number of pads used, degree of soak and the presence of blood clots. A lot of blood clots indicates heavy flow.
3) why dun pesticides not harm humans? or do they, in large quantities?
They do harm humans, depending on the type and amounts. Organophosphate pesticides/insecticides are often used in suicide attempts in the developing world (and occasionally in Singapore). They block the enzyme acetylcholinesterase at the neuromuscular junction. Quite commonly used in poisoning cases in agricultural societies and was originally developed as a chemical weapon.
4) how do hair removal creams work in removing hair? do they.... digest the follicles, or what?
The most common alkaline ones contain calcium thioglycolates which break down the disulphide bonds in keratin and so act directly on the hair shafts. They do not penetrate into the follicles deep within the skin that much. Some newer depilatory agents like Vaniqa(TM) are supposed to act on the follicles to slow down hair growth.
Be careful with depilatory creams...some people are sensitive to the high pH and some get a contact eczema.
I want OM to die in the hands of MSK and his minions.
most of the questions that TS asked, could have easily been googled,
likewise OM could have googled it and replied.
as for OM's claim of being a doctor, it's highly dubious.
which doctor you visit, googles your queries for a reply?
when I questioned him about the meaning PQRSTU (in another thread),
he wasn't able to reply.
PQRSTU is the fundamentals of pre-med.
most of the questions that TS asked, could have easily been googled,
likewise OM could have googled it and replied.
as for OM's claim of being a doctor, it's highly dubious.
which doctor you visit, googles your queries for a reply?
when I questioned him about the meaning PQRSTU (in another thread),
he wasn't able to reply.
PQRSTU is the fundamentals of pre-med.
What's the matter, maurizio? Taking potshots behind the skirt of SB when you cannot win an argument at SC? Aren't you man enough to engage in proper debate rather than make personal attacks? I guess not :)
Originally posted by oxford mushroom:What's the matter, maurizio? Taking potshots behind the skirt of SB when you cannot win an argument at SC? Aren't you man enough to engage in proper debate rather than make personal attacks? I guess not :)
no taking potshots, just stating facts.
basic ECG also don't know, still claim yourself to be a doctor.
if you really are a doctor, I am sure you would have been able to answer my question last time.
in the past, all your answers are googled from the net, these days you have gotten smarter and re-edited them.
don't claim yourself to be a doctor, unless you are one, you are bringing discredit to the profession.
Originally posted by maurizio13:
no taking potshots, just stating facts.basic ECG also don't know, still claim yourself to be a doctor.
if you really are a doctor, I am sure you would have been able to answer my question last time.
in the past, all your answers are googled from the net, these days you have gotten smarter and re-edited them.
don't claim yourself to be a doctor, unless you are one, you are bringing discredit to the profession.
Haha...sour grapes from someone who cannot get through the door of medical school. Don't keep running from lost arguments in SC leh :)
whether or not OM is a real doctor is of no consequence to me. i dun care if he is a real doctor, or if he googled his answers, re-edited them, added in pseudo-sciency stuff in his explanations, as long as they sound credible, they add to my pool of known facts. whether or not, and when, i validate his claims is up to me.
white cat, black cat, doesn't matter. as long as it can catch mice, it's a good cat.
i'll appreciate it if you divert your focus to being a good cat, instead of trying to prove OM a fake cat. you'll be more constructive in the former instance.