Been a while i topic! Anyways , this just came into my mind. Actually it has been lingering for sometime now. Pros n Cons getting married right now , or later.
Some say getting married now , means at least you wont be too old like 60 when ur kids only 10. And what if u suddenly die how about ur wife etc etc ? N also still having to work n earn n support ur kid when u are 60.
Or get married now , waste my life away with the only woman i will ever be with , dont say waste la..he he.. shackled to the chains n balls now. Having to deal with family finances etc etc. The plus side , is if u got kids , at least ur parents are still able to care for them. N they Love to be grandparents. so how ?
What you guys think of this marriage. Ever wondered ? Pondered what , when , how n why ?
I know some friends that gave up marriage when they 35 , saying too old liaw.. later kids have to suffer n he has to suffer to work past pension. he he. So he choses to be come a sugar daddy. Like i hope to be like him , just that i am married N sugar daddy.

kidding.. input input ppls!