Okay, how shall I phrase this? Maybe this'll end up pretty long, so kindly bear with me.
I just can't seem to have the motivation for doing anything recently. This includes work/assignments that needs to be done or even the stuff that I do to de-stress myself, like reading my comics, playing games lah or even snacking.

I used to have similar events like that in the past and then eventually, after a few days or a week, I'll be back to normal or something. This time, however, I really can't see me picking myself up, to be enthusiastic in the things that I do and I felt there are several reasons why.
As some of you may know, I'm approaching the end of my days being a student. I can almost see the end of the path now. The end of the days where all I need to do was go to campus, attend lectures/tutorials, gossiping around with friends etc, somehow makes me depressed.
On one hand, I have always see this coming but on the other hand, I feel I am definitely not ready to step out of this monotonous routine and propel myself into the working (or "dog-eat-dog") society. Will it be hectic and stressful there? Will I have to watch myself everyday, in the event that someone, for some reason, decides to stab me in the back. Will I even get a proper job and have a fairly stable income? After all, truth be told, although my family currently have the financial means to survive, we do not have any financial difficulties like what you read in the newspapers everyday. But the current status will only remain assuming I can get a proper job at the most, a few months after my graduation. If not, we may meet some financial difficulties come the end of next year.
The main problem, as I see it now, is footing the monthly installments for the HDB flat our family has just moved in two years ago. My parents' CPF accounts have been depleted and currently, we're using the profits from the old flat to pay the monthly installments for the new one. At present, this amount will be used up by the end of the next year, which is where problems, as I said, will set in. Another bill that I'm thinking about is of course, to pay back monthly the tuition fee loan that I took when entering university. Of course, to add on, my parents are unemployed (getting old) and my elder sisters are helping out by giving my parents a monthly stipend. I have no income currently of course.
So, the solution seems simple enough. When I graduate, I'll get a job and then when I am stable enough, I will take over the payment of the HDB flat. (When applying for the flat, I am listed as one of the co-owners, to take advantage of the 30-years HDB loan period in buying the new flat). So, what is the problem?
As said, I have entirely no confidence in stepping out what is to be the next phase in my life. Though my parents have only mentioned to me from time to time, and in a very casual manner, about my future plans and stuff, somehow, I can feel a growing pressure building up in me, the pressure of getting a stable job or face the consequences. I have never worked before, being instilled from young by my parents. that my priority was to study hard and not worried about other matters. After my NS, my thoughts was to enjoy as much as I can, as I told myself, that when working life comes, I will never have the opportunity or time to do whatever I want. I do think I have a lazy streak in me as I am the type of person who can laze around an entire day without doing anything constructive. So, now it has almost come to that time where I have to force myself to be what most people does in my situation. Graduate, get a job, have a stable income and helping out in the family. Can I do it? I wonder.
I have not started writting my resume yet. I have gathered some stuff on resume-writing, got resumes of friends etc to help me write my own out. But as I read the resume of one of my illustrious friends, it has struck into me that really I have nothing much to write about in my own resume. Not exactly a potential employer will want to see in a resume, right? No past working experience, internship, awesome results etc. If I had to write my own resume right now, it will peharps stretch to 3/4 of a page and that's it. How pathetic of me.
Or well, typing all the above out has make clearer my thoughts and it is indeed making me feel slightly better. Maybe I am not making much sense here. Maybe I am overexaggerating my "problems" of which there are none, which I am quite capable of, as my friends like to point out from time to time. But if you have really read every single word of the above, I humbly thank you for your time spent. How shall I end this post....? Oh yeah,