DISCLAIMER: Don't wanna read pls siam first ok!Alright, some of you may know.. I have unfortunately gotten an eye infection which i never had in my life before.

Feeling that it is something that irritates the hell outta me, i went to visit the doctors today in hope of getting it removed..
However, doc told me that it was on top oy my eye and it was not possible to be removed.. so i had to take some medication and hope it will die down in the next few days...
Because of my itchy hands.. I will constantly touch the affected area, which is exactly what my doc don't want me to do. SO I requested for a gauze to cover my eye.
Now here comes the exciting part.. When i was home.. i wondered on what i could do to make my plain gauze livelier. Since Kaypo singaporeans will definitely take a weary look at me when i am out in public, i decided to add a local flavour to it.

Listening to our SM advice on singaporeans shld reel rooted to our homeland.. I showed how i was rooted to singapore on another whole level..

Living up to my art student status, I printed out the singapore flag, cut it and past it on my Gauze!

Going to scholl today was far from normal, as soon as i stepped out of my hse, i saw eyes locking on to me.. well, not me but my gauze!

Ah ha! there i go, it must have had an effect on me.. the bus driver, passengers.. auntie, uncles.. lilttle children all looked at me!
My classmates thought i got punched because they thought it was blood on the gauze.

My lecturer said i live up to an art student expectation and that i shld stay at home to rest! OMG. First time.

Well, i did have 2 days MC anyway..
not bad.. i woke singaporeans up and at least got some TLC from my classmate as she fed me sweets throughout the lecture.

here us the pic i promised.

Doc's : $33
paper: $0.02
Pain: Priceless..
TLC from classmate: Priceless..