Well, people say laughter is the best remedy and cure to a bad situation..
Extract from shoutbox on the 13th of may. hi
the dreaded last hour
u guys not sleeping?
wah seh, perfume ah? good choice. i'm sure she'll like it
yah, the dreaded hour
got ar. bo hur hay ma hoh. bo hay hay bee hiam ma hoh!
u guys want to see something?
pitot.. pics of ******?
(name censored to protect forumite's identity) for wad?

i tot u guys missed the chance to see them mah..
[3:09 am]
want to see?
already said no.
did u manage to catch a glimpse that day?
where in bar?

[3:14 am]
pitot.. ******'s pics in bar.. did u see them?
[3:20 am]
not intersted too.

do u want to see them?
why u laughing? becos i want to?

I already said NO. Thank you.
u make me suspicious..
dun u wan to know how ****** looks like?
stop laughing!

Now I know how it works..