The time has come...have been planning to have it since like...last year?

Peeps who come will get to eat chocolates brought back by me

Date: 3 June, 2006
Time: 12 noon onwards, until 5pm
Venue: Marina Square
What's Going to Happen:
1. Lunch + Chit-Chat
2. Pool/Bowling/Movie
List of Confirmed Attendees so far:
1. Me
2. Rin
3. Starpuppy
4. Mayi
5. Pitot6. Kuali Baba7.. Man Who Was Death8. Mao x 29. drx10. hisoka11. carpe diem jur12. fudgester
13. Simple Bear14. nOrmalbOi
15. MCSquareMessage from Rin who is helping me organize the outing and oso reserve the lunch place

I post again :3
To all who have yet to confirm:
Please send rainee or me your confirmation and contact no. so that we know that you are attending the outing. Neko needs to know the amount of people to do a reservation.
Deadline: 1st June 12pm Noon (Thursday)"Those who did not confirm by then will be removed from the list if you dun have a seat during that outing...dun blame us yea

List of Unconfirmed Attendees:
The Bear
I think I have already gotten enough chocolates to feed an army

I will contact everyone who is in the confirmed attendees list when it is nearer to the date of the outing to let everyone know where to meet etc