---------------DECEMBER BABY ---------------
This straight-up means ur the most good-looking
person possible... better than all of these other
months!--err, dun tink this is true

Loyal and generous. -I wud like to think I am

Patriotic. -Quite

Competitive in everything. - Used to be, but now have learnt to take it easy

Active in games and interactions. - Not really
Impatient and hasty.-Sometimes I can be
Ambitious. -Hmm, nah, just want a simple life

Influential in organizations. -Not really, I am more of a follower

Fun to be with. -Some people said I am...though I can be quiet at first
Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. -Yea, true
Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. -Sometimes
Easily influenced by kindness. -Yup, very trusting...sigh

Polite and soft-spoken. -Tries to be

Having lots of ideas. -Lots of ideas when I am supposed to be concentrating on sth else

Sensitive. -Yes
Active mind. -At times...my mind can wander when things get boring

Hesitating, tends to delay. -Not really...
Choosy and always wants the best.-Hmm, nah.
Temperamental. -During some of my PMS periods I can be

Funny and humorous. -Some of my frens who have known me well said I am funny in a blur way, tho I dunno wat that means. Seriously

Loves to joke.-I love to tell a joke as if I am not telling one...

Good debating skills. -Not really...
Has that someone always on his/her mind. -hehe...

Talkative. -With people I know well


Friendly. -I can be shy at first...but once I get to know a person, then I will be frenly

Knows how to make friends. -Hmm...depends on situation lol...
Abiding.-Yea, I am a good follower

Able to show character. -Hmm?
one guy/girl kind of person. -Yes me very loyal if the person is loyal to me

Loveable.-Erm, I would like to think so

Easily hurt.-Yes

But I dun show it to the person who hurts me at times
Prone to getting colds.-When I was younger yes, now not really...unless when I am really stressed out.
loves music. -YES!!

Wan to learn piano one day

pretty/handsome. -err...

Loves to dress up.-If there is a suitable occasion, then yes

Easily bored. -Yea...esp if it is something I am not interested in the first place..
Fussy. -Depends...on what thing it is abt..
Seldom shows emotions. -Seldom show negative emotions...like when I am hurt by a person, I dun show it to him or her.
Takes time to recover when hurt.-Yes...I think everyone does

Sensitive.-err, didnt I already say I am?