Hopes high sick beluga gets well soon
Aquarium takes Gasper off exhibit for topflight treatment
By Peggy Mihelich
Friday, April 21, 2006; Posted: 10:40 a.m. EDT (14:40 GMT)

Gasper recuperates in his tank next to the main whale exhibit Tuesday.
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Each day, thousands of visitors press up against the acrylic glass at the Georgia Aquarium to watch a playful beluga whale named Gasper. Gasper takes center-stage at the viewing window, blowing bubbles and making faces at wide-eyed children who coo and laugh at him and his tank mates -- Nico, Natasha, Maris and Marina.
But for the past week the front of the window has been noticeably empty.
The 17-year-old male beluga whale is being held in a tank next to the main beluga whale exhibit, out of public view, so veterinary staff can attend to his suppressed appetite, raspy breathing and chronic skin disorder.
On Tuesday he showed signs of returning to his normal self. He'd had a good afternoon feeding and was up to his old "bubble trick."
"He's starting to feel better. So we're pleased about that, but cautiously optimistic -- the healing process takes a long time," said Eric Gaglione, the aquarium's husbandry manager, shortly after feeding Gasper. (Watch Gasper during his feeding on Tuesday -- :4

Gasper has not been especially healthy since arriving at the aquarium in October 2005. He came to Georgia from Mexico underweight and with skin lesions on his fin, tail and body. Gasper and Nico were on display at the LeFeria de Chapultepec amusement park in Mexico City, in a tank surrounded by a rollercoaster.