Thinks far with vision--------------------------------------true
Easily influenced by kindness----------------------------true
Polite and soft-spoken------------------------------------a bit vulgar but won singa award before
Having lots of ideas----------------------------------------damn a lot too...
Sensitive-----------------------------------------------------very sensitive
Active mind--------------------------------------------------most of the time active..but when tired,mind shuts down.
Hesitating---------------------------------------------------even my mum says im alwaes a bit too hesitating.
Tends to delay----------------------------------------------slower than others,as alwaes.
Choosy and always wants the best--------------------when choosing ice-cream,yes.
Temperamental----------------------------------------------moody i guess.
Funny and humorous--------------------------------------now this is sth im veri proud of.
Loves to joke-------------------------------------------------yup,the gurls go crazee over me whenever i do that.
Good debating skills-----------------------------------------does arguing with brothers count?
Talkative-------------------------------------------------------man i dun like this word.i prefer outspoken.
Daydreamer--------------------------------------------------fantasizing is sth i do all the time.
Friendly--------------------------------------------------------even the Ah Sohs say that.
Knows how to make friends-------------------------------definitely a trait of mine
Abiding---------------------------------------------------------they say that laws are meant to be broken,but i do best abide by them.dun wan trouble u see..
Able to show character-------------------------------------thru my hair definitely..and the wae i sashay down the street.
Easily hurt-----------------------------------------------------juz a scolding from the teacher will send me cowering in sadness and fright.
Prone to getting colds---------------------------------------morning rituals..keep sneezing.
Loves to dress up--------------------------------------------take over 1 hr juz to get rdy.wad do u think?
Easily bored----------------------------------------------------some pple nv get sick of games.but i do..
Fussy------------------------------------------------------------choosy?same as above.
Seldom show emotions--------------------------------------tends to keep things to myself..dun want others to worry abt me..
Takes time to recover when hurt--------------------------who wouldn't?
Brand conscious-----------------------------------------------ya..like superbrand cofee but not others.
Executive--------------------------------------------------------dun like planning though.
Stubborn---------------------------------------------------------very stubborn..even if i knew i were in the wrong(which is seldom..

),i wouldn't give up my stand.
Those who loves me are enemies--------------------------there is sth fishy abt this sentence..hey is the thread-starter trying to create rifts between my lao bu and me?
Those who hates me are friends---------------------------thread-starter..u better do sth abt this statement too...