[quote]Originally posted by starblue:
[b]let's share the following things:
1) when was the last time you did something nice for an older person (aged 65 and above) and what did you do?
..... Doing voluteering work in an old folk's home, normally i chit chat with them (most of them got no family members or relative around), read newspapers to them ( they can't read, but wanted to know what's going on around them), teach them either mandarin or english (yes they like to learn new things). Ocassionally, also buy some chocolates for them, they enjoy it.
2) when you see an older person on the streets, what is the general feeling you have towards them?
..... I got lots of admiration for them, at their age, they still can move about independently. This show that they are making of their times fruitfully and know how to live a fulfilling life.
3) how do you think older persons feel generally about their lives in general?
..... Contrary to the medias' reports, the old folks here generally are quite contented lots ( as far as i am concern ). Dued to the bad press, reporting that old people are lonely and look forward to die were over exaggerated. Of couse there are, it's only isolated or in the minority. Because of these, the general public have the impression that old people here are hopeless and miserable. The old people i came in contact with are very hopeful and cheerful. They never say thing like "old liow, no use" " life is meaningless, just wait to die lor" In fact their zest for life is admirable. There are some suffering from various ailments but they always said "it can get better" they are glad to be alive, instead of moping and moaning.
4) how do you want to grow old? in other words, if you imagine yourself to be an older person, how do you want people/society/government to behave towards you?
..... i will just grow old naturally, nothing to fear of, everyone will come to this stage of life, sooner or later. When i am old, hope that i stiil can make a different to someone else life. Also wish that the society can be more patient with me, more understanding when i am grumpy or grouchy.