What's Your Fame and Fortune?

You're likely to find fame and fortune in the Creative World
Talk about ideas! You're the type of person who's always coming up with a new way to look at things — wherever you are. And more than most, you're probably able to better express them in a multitude of ways — through writing, acting, sketching, jamming, painting, dancing, sculpting, filming, arranging...you get the picture.
Because you've got so much going on upstairs, your brain is never really turned in the "off" position. Heck, your dreams are probably even more creative than others. Here's the thing: You're the type who rises to the challenge of making something out of nothing — it's a skill not everyone has. So how about it? What's your next creative contribution to the world?
Maybe you'll pen the first rap opera. Maybe you'll join a rock-climbing, performance dance troop. Or maybe you'll discover a link between Balinese Batik painters and Picasso. However you find fame and fortune, we sense you'll be getting there by tapping into that uniquely-psychedelic-inventive-original-interpretive-expressive mass of creative gray matter.
So get out there and start designing your own clothing line, or theme restaurant, or housing complex, or website, or...