Originally posted by thinkdifferent:
You must change your attitude to life. Two people with same boring daily routine but with different attitudes: The one person has a positive and humorous attitude - enjoys even the boring daily routine. The other person with a negative attitude - is depressed from the boring daily routine and wants a change.
The other tips I can give you - do what you enjoy, if you enjoy being with your friends, meet them as often as you can, go for trips and so on.
I think first you must find out what you enjoy, what makes you pleasure and then try to find the time for it.
Do different activities and find out.
+1 TD
i agree w wat she says manz..
mei ar, have to step out of ur comfort zone..know more pple, join clubs or pick up new sports...after knowing more peeps in sch, i got to try out new stuff, and i like sea sports, though my water confidence is v low, at least its something different tat i do from everyday life

i nv tot i wld b a sporty person till i tried netball. now, its still my passion. my first sporting passion. before tis, i was a v introvert gal. although still a band member, tatz all bout it..v limited social life. take initiatives....