this year has been most..... trying for me. lots to grapple with. even the two maths modules i had to take were among the least of my problems. and that is saying a lot.... my non-stop, ever increasing tuitions have strained me to the near-undoing of me. and i had that delicious nagging of the student's parents for icing. my family isnt helping much... in fact there came a point in time where the only ones in my family i wasnt worried about.... are my hamsters. and many times this year i have fallen ill with no one but me to take care of me. but i sure am glad i braved through all that.
however, i neglect the more uplifting moments of my life. i had friends near to pop that very soothing "are you ok?" whenever i began to sulk. i had loads of help for my stats from my monster friend. i even made a new friend this year, and by friend i mean one whom i really can click with. for that i am eternally grateful. and i had the (second) most wonderful 20th birthday this year, having my most beloved friends celebrate it for me. not to mention having my brothers to crack me up with their stomach-ranching jokes almost everyday. oh yes.. when i begin to think of all that i am blessed with, i guess i shouldnt be complaining about my life at all. God is fair, in his way.
i know in the coming year, there will be more..... challenges yet. but i am sure nothing can get a genius like me down.

my resolution for the new year:
smile for every new day
laugh for every little joke
pause for a peom every week (i may even post them in here just to get me going)
try for every new interest
and most of all....
give thanks for every blessing