I got 25
If your score was between 16 and 30:
You're a Krazy Kisser!
A Krazy Kisser enjoys being sloppy and free. You're the kind of person that is naturally more unrestricted and wild. You like to put your hands anywhere that strikes your fancy, and you might even scratch, squeeze or spank other parts of the body while kissing. You could hold the world record for longest kisser because you like to kiss forever. You like to try and shock the other person by trying different techniques, or doing something out of the ordinary. You also like to keep it exhilarating by kissing in places you should not be kissing in. You can get a little freaky and funky, which makes your signature kiss very messy. Try to remember that sometimes slobber all over the face is not exactly what your partner wants. You may need to focus on trying to add in some sweet, slow and neat kisses. Also, be careful that some of your "Krazy" techniques and movements don't offend your partner. Talk to your partner about what they like to determine a healthy balance. Overall you are the most exciting of all the kissing styles, and you keep your partner on the edge, waiting to see what's next.

I can't believe my eyes...