Originally posted by supafatty:
Reading newspapers .. Reading = Good, News = Sad
I consider this outside because I read at my house porch.
Aiya there are so many others to list .. I don't really care too much about people who are physically and physiologically adept for work but decide against it .. I go to the jaguar showroom with my mom and i look longingly at the XK .. don't see my mom taking out money to buy one for me .. it's all about working, saving for the things you love, if not ... everyone will be giving everyone else money.
I feel sorry for the handicapped guy at Novena selling tissues. WHY? because he is physically disabled, and he has enough dignity and integrity to reject donations. He does not jack up the prices to ridiculous amounts and put forth a sympathy plea. Instead, he works as hard, and as honest a day as anyone and everyone should. That is why I feel sorry for him. I'm sure I'm not the only one who prays for him at every Novena.
I feel sorry for all the animals at SPCA. I have had german shephards since I was a boy and in my neighbourhood, almost everyone owns a couple of dogs (most are true dog lovers btw) .. however, every so often .. I'll pass by strays of sorts .. dogs .. puppies even .. and that saddens me, because dogs aren't as emotionally complex as humans, so many people see "OH SO CUTE ! MUST BUY !" without realising what they are being set up for .. 3 days later .. just let the dogs go .. sad part is I've seen the dog just sit outside the "owner's" gate hoping to come home .. and the "owners" .. call SPCA to bring the dogs away. I used to know a person who would buy puppies, keep them till they were 12months old, and give them away .. because puppies are cute.
Typing out this post just ticks me off ..

Yea, got ppl just discards dogs after they grow up cos they thought they not as cute anymore...
Another sad thing (but not outside) was when my pet hammie nearly died last time...the last few days...really heart pain as I watched him...cos he wudnt eat, wudnt play around much...