Chinese or Malay or Ang moh or Indian or Indonesian or Pilipino or Thai or any other………
Who is the best sex partner ? and why?
Ang Moh actually not very good. Very cold
Chinese sometimes very good sometimes boring
Malay hmmmmmmmm super hot
Indonesian very sporty
Pilipino handle with tender care and always want seconds
Thai I think perhaps the best, always willing to try new things
why no jipoonese or koreans?
have a global competition...Sex World Cup... something like the FIFA world cup.
Great idea Spidey3 - we should do that!!
For now, I think Thai women are the best at sex !!
Bulgarian guys
hmmmm Bulgarian guys. Didnt know (obviously cause I'm a guy) :-)
My British wife :) who i have had to leave to come and serve NS
Filipino is the best!
Thanks all - I still think Thai - amongst all the women I had - the Thais always want me to have more...............
Filipino and japanese i think :D
According to the Global Study of Sexual Attitudes, the Greeks have the most sex. At least 70% have weekly intercourse.
Perhaps they are the best at sex - practice makes perfect!
why they so fwee
I dont get it... even every country has its own variant.... trully uncomparable...
It doesn't matter about the nationality... Who you are in love with and with whom you are having sex do really matter.
its not nationality .. its dick that makes them good at bed..
but i like ah lians
i think it is the individuality in the women, most say Thai but not all - i guess it is your search and your satisfaction
Pinoy will be the best recommended
Asians. They are WILD. not kddin'
japanese.... they are so fking creative