Hi dota brothers out there, I am 18 this year with 4 years of Dota experience. I first started playing with version 6.01. Yes its true. I really do have 4 years of Dota experience. I have been playing all along with every type of different hero changes icefrog has made. I been palying dota as a hobby, like everyday. But I have never joined a clan before because i had to concentrate partly on my studies. I recently graduated and now looking to put my gaming skills to earn cash for me during my free period. My best stat were 27 0, but that was 2 years back, i never bothered saving a replay back then. I recently started saving replays 3 weeks ago. I have several replays now which features me having good stats. GOOD STATS MEANING 20 kills plus WITH 0 1 or 2 DEATHS ONLY. my best stats with replay is 20 0 with furion. I have others with 20 kills plus with 1 or 2 deaths but i dun think its worth mentioning. For all the replays I have played with garena and bnet. I seriously find bnet and garena having the same amount of noobs and pros. Garena really do not have so many pros. I am skilled in all heros, and please, i never ever look at anyone's guide. All the hero builds i use are all base on my own gaming experience and i have always mantained good stats no matter if my team is owning or getting owned. good stats when getting owned means not breaking even but having a positive score. SO TO END IT ALL, I AM LOOKING FOR A DOTA CLAN which i think i would boost ur firepower to tournaments. cya. my nick is WhirlBreaker on garena and Magicstorm on bnet. I recently started playing garena 2 weeks back so i havent been establishing a name. Looking to get positive replys and not replys about doubting my experience. I have replays ONLY for ppl whos with clan for them to view. And i am skilled in all heros except the new build of keeper of the light because i have never ever gotten him using random, i always stick to using random by the way so i have no favourite hero. if you want to 1v1 me , dun feel insulted when i use random. cya.
ok dude firstly Happy new year in advance if ur a chinese
secondly dude i am making a clan with 2 other online friends . we are seriously gonna try and beat impreza but oh wells we need 2 more :D so yeah u can join mine . for more details please contact 98945325 or blime_light_rush@hotmail.com ( don't send email to me , auto-deleter is always on ) i have too much scams sorry :D ok thats it .
if your good, ppl look for you.