Looking for nice peoples willing to learn together play together and have fun dotaing together.As you know Bnet world = Leavers Inhse game = fun teasing each others ,training each other to improve better, learning tag team combo together protecting each others of course,noob is ok, this Clan Rules No1: Dont be rude to other clan mates(got anything unhappy whisper me let me know dont influence others mood), No2: No map hacker(pointless) No3: be active when i'm myself or clan mates jio for inhse.
FAQ, peoples may ask what is this clan stand for ! Well let me explain it short and sweet,this xYx is form because quite a few of us have been in xyx for long time as in few years already, one day we all decided to form this clan,main objective is to find nice peoples around in bnet world & we already getting sick of this bnet world due to LEAVERS and too much immatures players already making nusiance to others making the fun mood became bad mood, so i decided to form this clan for inhse game only.
i am looking for mature players. No childish players and try to rebel against shaman. During our inhse, we expect no quarrel, If you ever suspect someone who mh, you can approach us or other shaman. Noobs or Pro are all allowed. No flaming at all. Well, me, WateryBaka, is a shaman of Clan XYX. There is no full form of XYX. Our clan most likely available in private channel in bnet- CLAN XYX. We hopefully wish to recieve Active, Mature Players with good attitude.
Btw Peoples, this clan is from singapore and its from loaderon. As our clan got some good dota players, we maybe will be deciding to form competitive teams for competition or clan mates! Well now we hav few ally clan- Clan Vex, Clan AGM, Clan exos, Clan Fat1. And We will be organising a end-year Chalet. We hopefully wish to see most of us turn up.
We will kindly introduce you to our clan mates and will make friends with you.If you are interested, Kindly contact me through my email=(x1a0sh3ng_rox@hotmail.com) its MSN though.
Thanks and good luck you all of dota players!