For hosters who want banlist and autorefresher, this will teach you all how to do.
BanlistBanlist is a program that enables you to record leavers names, and prevent them from joining your games in the future. It also allows you to ping players, check where they are from and many other useful commands like auto copying game names from friends game if joining inhouse..etc.
First, get banlist from
here,the latest version which is 3.0.
Then load warcraft, go into bnet, load up your banlist, also please read through the commands section of the banlist as they offer either " // " or " / " commands, so as to not complicate the blizzard " / " way of doing things, its a personal choice so read up the section first before deciding.
Example for me i use, " / ", so when i create a game, when players have joined, i do a " /fromall ", this would allow me to check if all players in the game are from SG, if not kick. Other than that, " /pingall " lets me see their ping, if too high, its up to the hosters choice to kick.
AutorefresherNow that your ver 3.0 banlist is up and working fine, download
Then, unzip it with winrar, extract all the files to the your wc3banlist directory, and click yes to all if asked to replace files.
Next, open wc3banlist and click on the preferences tab, there should be a collumn with sub-tabs.
Click the tab titled "Miscellaneous".
Look towards the bottom of that page and you shall see "Enable automatic game refresh".
Click in that box to place a checkmark, and set the interval "Time it takes between refreshes"
to whatever time you feel is appropriate for your games.
If not untick the box and whenever you want to refresh your slots just type " /refresh ", or " //refresh ".
This is a basic guide on how to use the banlist, feel free to ask questions, lastly, do not misuse the banlist and ban anyone you like.