I dunno all the ans LOL.
I got it from some forum.
i post the ans here.

Trial Question - Treant Protector.
He is an uprooted Ancient Protector, the tower of the Sentinel.
Question 1 - Axe and Pitlord, Rogue Knight and Lycanthrope.
As of 6.44b, these two pairs of heroes have exactly the same speech set.
Question 2 - 750 gold.
Buriza-do Kyanon recipe used to cost 750 gold only but back then, Crystalis cost 1000 gold. So basically same comulative price.
Question 3 - Unreal Tournament Series
All the sprees and awards from DotA came from UT--First Blood! Double Kill! Godlike! But here's a trivia, in UT, Wicked Sick is 30 straight kills without dying, while Godlike is only 25. So Wicked Sick is better in UT, unlike in DotA.
Question 4 - Lion and Krobelus, MS = 280, Scream of Pain resembles Lion's attack, Chaos Bolt resembles Krobelus's attack.
Nuff' said.
Question 5 - Goblin
The Alchemist is the goblin riding the ogre. So basically, the Intelligence is his, while the Strength and Agility belongs to the fat guy he's experimenting on.
Question 6 - Sven the Rogue Knight
According to DotA Lore, he is the son of a knight and a night elf, which caused him to be outcasted. For years, he trained in isolation, preparing himself to battle evil and fight for justice. Plus, his weapon cleaves!
Question 7 - 3000 HP
Synergy gives + 400 Hp, while True Form gives + 600 Hp, making a total of 1000 bonus Hp. 2000 + 1000 = 3000.
Question 8 - Sacred Relic
This is a tricky question. What you have to notice first is the fact that all items are +damage items. Now, compare their prices, then compute for the cost of each damage point per item. You will see that Claymore and Broadsword then Blades of Attack and Demon Edge has the same damage/gold ratio. Sacred Relic is the only one with no partner, and is also the most cost-efficient item among the list.
Blades of Attack - 650/9 = 72.22 gold/dmg
Demon Edge - 2600/36 = 72.22 gold/dmg
Broadsword - 1200/18 = 66.66 gold/dmg
Claymore - 1400/21 = 66.66 gold/dmg
Sacred Relic - 3800/60 = 63.33 gold/dmg
Question 9 - 36.25 %
Dark Terror has a 25% chance to stun with Time Lock. With a Basher, 15% is added to the stun chance. BUT, there is also a chance that both stuns hit at the same time. This means that we can't just add 25% to 15% making 40% because the chance of them both hitting is counter double here. So we simply subtract from 40% the chance that both stuns hit.
25% x 15% = 3.75% --> the chance of them both hitting.
40% - 3.75% = 36.25%
Question 10 - Clinkz, Gondar, Anub'arak, Anub'seran, Azwraith, Mangix
The original WC3 Wind Walk gives bonus MS and backstab damage. Clinkz adopted the bonus MS, Gondar the backstab damage, Anub'arak both. Anub'seran got only MS bonus and have a short duration, Azwraith, bonus MS but the spell was modified so that it produces an illusion upon cast. Mangix has the original Wind Walk from Primal Split - Storm.
Question 11 - 32 points
Harbinger can cast Astral Imprisonment 3 times a minute, 4 if he has Refresher Orb. 4 x 8 (int points stolen per cast) = 32.
Question 12 - The Orb Effect of Sange and Sange and Yasha, Maim, slows the target's Movement Speed and Attack Speed by 35%.
Question 13 - Harbinger the Obsidian Destroyer
Originally an obsidian construct, it was brought to life by the Lich King's necromancers... All its spells are intelligence oriented, and deal with the manipulation of mana and psychic energies.
Question 14 - 9 units.
Level 4 Paralyzing Casks bounce 8 times after first target so 9 units can be hit.
Question 15 - Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse, Refresher Orb, Aghanim's Sceptre, Hood of Defiance.
All items from Oblivion Staff lose the bonus damage and IAS. Aghanim's lose the regen properties of Soul Booster. Hood of Defiance no longer carry the armor bonus from Helm of Iron Will.
Question 16 - Katzkie's warning meant she knew that Jordie was being set up. Vengeful Spirit is atop the cliff overlooking ward spot, ready to swap her to that isolated place.
The full story is this -- Faceless Void time walked to the cliff then Venge Swapped with him. Now Faceless Void is challenging Naga to a 1v1 along the river. Once Naga comes within range of Swap, Venge swaps her to that unreachable spot.
Question 17
a) Magina becomes a Metamorphosed Soul Keeper. Boush becomes a Goblin Tank.
b) Terrorblade could have 4 images after Manta Style. 2 from Conjure Image, 2 from Manta Style.
c.1) Rigwarl does not enter warpath by casting Manta Style but his images gain warpath when he casts Goo or Spikes.
c.2) He and his images all gain warpath when he casts Manta Style when already in a warpath.
Question 18 - Slardar's Slithereen Crush is a stun accompanied by a slow. It's taken from Mountain King's Thunder Clap and Tauren Chieftain's War Stomp.
Slardar's Crush produces a 4.5 second slow and a 2.5 second stun. So after the stun duration, targets are still slowed for 2 seconds.
Question 19 - Lanaya the Templar Assassin
She came from the Protoss Homeworlds - Aiur and Shakuras. She is aided with psionic energies. Traps make her chase enemies with ease then her Psi blades and Meld bonus damage plus Refraction make killing heroes easy for her. Lanaya looks a lot like the night elves of Kalimdor (her portrait is actually a Watcher/Warden from WC3) but her advocacies are definitely not night elf.
Question 20 - a - several possible answers
Moon Rider's Lunar Blessing and Drow Ranger's Trueshot Aura have the same animation. Moon Rider is Naisha; she appeared in Sentinel Campaign of TFT. Drow Ranger can be Sylvanas from Scourge Campaign of TFT.
Undying's Heartstopper Aura and Necrolyte's Dispersal Aura have the same animation. Undying is a zombie from Human Campaign in ROC. Necrolyte is Kel'thuzad's ghost in Undead Campaign in ROC.
Question 20 - b
Arcane Ring : 2*135 - 2*25 = 220 MP per minute
Vladimir's Offering : 0.8 MP/s -> 0.8*60 = 48 MP per minute
220 - 48 = 172 more MP from Arcane Ring
Divine Rapier has 250 damage. 250*60 = 15000 gold
Divine Rapier 7800/15000 = 0.52
Eye of Skadi x/7050 = 0.52
x = 0.52*7050 = 3666
7050 - 3666 = 3384 gold should be rebated
Question 20 - c
a) Ulfsaar - Ursa is a furbolg. He belongs in the Ashenvale Forest and Felwood tilesets.
b) Akasha - Queen of Suffering / succubi. She belongs in Outland and Black Citadel tilesets. (Draenor)
c) Slardar - He is a Naga and belongs in the city of Najzatar or in the Sunken Ruins tileset.
d) Nortrom - A Bloodelf from Quel'Thalas. He belongs in Lordaeron tilesets.
a) Ulfsaar - 95-99 dmg - least base damage
b) Akasha - 100-108
c) Slardar - 118-126 - the most base damage
d) Nortrom - 99-121 dmg